Court Booking

Court Booking will start on April 27th for the 2024 season.

In order to book a court you must initially follow these steps:
1 – Join the club (you must be a member)
2 – Set up your id on the Court Booking platform (see the link below).
A link to a pdf file detailing how to set up your id on the court booking platform and how to actually book your courts can be found below along with a link to the Court Booking Site itself.
** Please note. It can take up to 2 days after completing your membership registration for the information to propagate into the court booking system.

Notes on Court Booking Rules:

  • Maximum of 4 hours per week, per member
  • Participation in programs organized by the club does not count against the 4 hours weekly max
  • Singles ladder matches booked by participants ARE included in the 4 hours weekly max

If you have any questions, please contact the Court Booking coordinator through the Membership and Courts Contact Form.